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CMS Awards SCG Medicaid and CHIP Scorecard Visualization Contract

Lauren Sommers

MAY 1, 2019

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) awarded Signature Consulting Group (SCG) a new contract for Medicaid and CHIP Scorecard Visualization Project in support of the Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services (CMCS) websites and

Building upon its success of providing DevOps support services to Medicaid websites, SCG will extend the existing design system to create a library of both static and interactive visualizations which will specifically support the Medicaid and CHIP Scorecard. Based upon this visual library extension, SCG will apply Agile principles to build client-side, user-centric, interactive, and Section 508-compliant data-driven visualizations. Ultimately, this Visualization Project will allow users the ability to explore and interact with Medicaid and CHIP Program data and help Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services (CMCS) tell various stories about the Medicaid and CHIP programs.

About Signature Consulting Group (SCG)

SCG is a WOSB Health IT consulting company focused on the improvement of the US healthcare system for all Americans. SCG works with Federal and State Agencies and Commercial healthcare groups. SCG specializes in digital development and operations, value based care and payment models, health system transformation, and program integrity management.

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